Work with us

We come from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences, yet together, we are developing the best cybersecurity products for the people who need it.

We are a growing group of cybersecurity professionals, developers, project managers, and business support teams, brought together by our mission to solve BIG problems.

We are a customer-focused team, and each one of us is a customer success manager. Put simply, we work backward from our clients' needs, and our job is to ensure our clients' success.

Join us if you want to be part of a rapidly growing ambitious team.

What we value

We believe in creating an environment where people can reach their utmost potential and be extraordinary.

Our people are trusted, valued, and encouraged to be themselves. We wholeheartedly support the family. We support you to work how you want, when you want and where you want. Generous sick and caregiver’s leave. We treat our staff as adults so you can make decisions about what is best for you and your family. 

We offer unique working arrangements and a range of benefits to support you. Our goal is to assist you in becoming the optimal version of yourself, both within and outside the office. By facilitating your success, we contribute to a more harmonious work-life balance for everyone involved. 

We wholeheartedly support your professional development. 
· Learn from the best.
· Drive your own learning with paid professional development opportunities.
· Enjoy paid study leave.  We encourage you to have fun with your colleagues and relax when you can. 

What motivates us daily?
It's the meaningful work we engage in and the meaningful relationships we build.

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Jane Doe
CEO, Cybersecurity

Expression of Interest

AppSecFasttrack is expanding, and we are constantly seeking exceptional talent. Therefore, we may not always wait until the job ad expires to review applications. We encourage you to submit your application at your earliest convenience.

If it sounds like you, and  you would like more information about a role with AppSecFasttrack, please email